A Healing Journey Between The Lines

Kambo is the secretion of the Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog and comes from the rainforests of the upper Amazon. It is used by many native tribes in the Amazon and traditionally was used in three ways: to cleanse and energize for hunting, medicine, to clear negative energy known as “Panema.”
It is a powerful substance that has the potential to facilitate deep healing, releasing of energetic blockages, and transformation. Afterwards people generally experience energy shifts, enhanced mood, alertness, reduction in stress and anxiety, relief from chronic pain, increase in mental clarity, focus and more.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. By channeling energy into the client, it can activate the natural healing process and restore physical and emotional well-being. Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) formed by the two Japanese characters: "Rei" meaning "spiritual, universal," and "Ki" meaning "life force energy,” translates to Spiritual Energy.
A Reiki session can feel pleasant and relaxing and is often utilized for one’s wellness to support the body for healing on all levels: physical, mental, and emotional. Although it is not a cure for disease or illness, Reiki can assist the body to create an environment that aids in the healing process. Reiki is also practiced in many hospitals and medical care settings as a complement to traditional medicine.
Reiki is a technique that anyone can learn and is transferred to the student during a class. The ability is passed on during an “attunement” given by a Reiki Master, which allows the student to tap into the life force energy. It is a great way to connect to the universal energy and also to be of service as a healer.

At a young age, I had an instinctual feeling that I was here for a specific purpose, and through the course of my life facing different experiences, I came to realize that I was meant to be a healer. During a spiritual retreat, the knowledge that I would heal through energy work was revealed to me. Shortly after, I pursued an education in the art of Reiki, and am now a certified Reiki Master. Along the course of my healing journey, Kambo was revealed to me as well. Connecting with the spirit of Kambo through deep self work, I heard the calling to become a Kambo Practitioner and am now certified and trained by the International Association of Kambo Practitioners (IAKP).
As a Reiki Healer and Kambo Practitioner, I am dedicated to providing individualized sessions that promote emotional and spiritual well-being. These sessions can target specific issues such as physical ailments, chakra balancing, releasing and clearing energetic blockages. Connecting with clients and empowering them to utilize Reiki or Kambo to heal themselves is equally rewarding for both clients and myself. I enjoy being able to bridge the gap between traditional medicine and holistic healing, while providing a safe and nurturing atmosphere.


Kambo is a powerful substance that has the potential to facilitate deep healing, releasing of energetic blockages, and transformation. Not only can it help with clearing negative energy and toxins, but also can be used to treat various ailments. Afterwards people generally experience energy shifts, enhanced mood, alertness, reduction in stress and anxiety, relief from chronic pain, increase in mental clarity, focus and more.

Energy healing targets the energy fields around the body and as energy becomes stagnate, these energy blocks may cause illness. Reiki aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. Improving the flow of energy around the body, can facilitate relaxation, reduce pain and symptoms of illness, and speed healing.

The ability to learn Reiki is passed on from a teacher to a student through an attunement process. Afterwards, one now has the ability to channel Reiki, which makes it easy for anyone to learn and practice. During this process, one is opened up to the healing energies, and a link is created between the student and Reiki source. A Reiki attunement can be a powerful spiritual experience with lasting impressions. If the calling to be of service to others runs deep within, Reiki is an easy yet powerful way to do so.

"Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will not be angry.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing."